Modern Slavery Policy
(hereinafter “Kinen”)
This statement constitutes Kinen’s slavery and human trafficking statement pursuant to s.54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 ("Modern Slavery Statement").
The Modern Slavery Act 2015 prohibits slavery, servitude, forced or compulsory labour and human trafficking ("Modern Slavery"). Kinen is committed to combatting all such forms of Modern Slavery that could in anyway be connected to its business and supply chain.
About Kinen:
Kinen is sourcing, selling hardware, plumbing and heating equipment and supplies as part of the Kinen group ("Kinen Group").
The Modern Slavery policies and procedures of Kinen Group also apply to Kinen and are therefore relevant in ensuring that Kinen’s business and supply chain is not connected to Modern Slavery.
Steps taken to address Modern Slavery risk
Policies and procedures relevant to ensuring that Modern Slavery is not taking place in Kinen’s business and supply chain are as follows:
Supplier Business Practices Policy
Kinen group and its subsidiaries have a longstanding commitment to the ethical and responsible sourcing of goods and supplies for Kinen group’s companies.
Kinen group ensures it’s commitment by requiring, among other things, that our suppliers respect our standards and those of our customers, including with regard to compliance with laws, human rights, child labour, human trafficking, slavery, wages and benefits, excessive working hours, corporal punishment, discrimination, safe and clean workplaces and other labour and employment standards.
Verification of supply chains and auditing of suppliers to evaluate supplier compliance and address risks with respect to human trafficking and slavery. These audits are conducted by Kinen employees for suppliers in China and by third parties for suppliers located in other countries. If significant issues are raised by an audit we may also conduct a follow-up unannounced audit to address the initial findings.
Certifications from suppliers that materials incorporated into Kinen’s products comply with the laws regarding slavery and human trafficking of the country or countries in which they are doing business
Kinen maintains internal accountability standards for employees through its legal and ethical compliance program which focuses on areas of ethical risk, and helps foster Kinen’s culture of honesty, accountability and transparency. Kinen will avoid working with suppliers that do not respect our standards and those of our customers. If an employee or if a supplier is acting in violation, we will (in certain egregious situations) terminate such employee or supplier, or we will work with them to remedy the violation. If the effort to remedy the violation is unsuccessful, we will evaluate our business relationship with that supplier or employee and take appropriate corrective action. Corrective action may include cancelation of an affected order, prohibition on further use of a facility or supplier, termination of employment and reporting the violation to the proper authorities. If a supplier refuses access to our auditors, the relationship with that supplier will be terminated.
Kinen believes that education and training are critical components to ensuring that our standards are met and that human rights within our supply chain are respected.
Reporting Concerns
Kinen’s Code of Business Ethics encourages the reporting of any illegal, unethical or other questionable behaviour either through a bespoke ethical hotline or through internal reporting lines.